Your Idea, Your Story
What if you have this great idea for a book – you know how the story unfolds, you know who the main characters are going to be, you know roughly how long it should be, and you even have a great idea sketched out for the cover. Or maybe it’s an inspirational book you want to write, something based on the knowledge and wisdom you’ve learnt during your career. You know that by putting your thoughts down on paper, you’d not only be recognised for your abilities, but you’d have a best-seller on your hands. There’s only one problem – you don’t really know how to get writing, and you don’t really have the time.

Rather than put a disappointing closure on your pet book project – something that could boost your career, establish your reputation, and bring the fruits of your imagination to life on the page – why not make the decision to get professional assistance to have your thoughts, ideas, and plans put into proper order, and set out as the great book you know it could be? By [Your Name Here] Metro Writers is a team of international professionals who specialise in book writing. We’re not only capable of setting your ideas down correctly to create an impressive and highly-readable book (be it a novel, a business book, or the true story of something that happened to you), we’re also able to prepare it in the English language, and have it published, printed, and made available in virtually every country in the world. As the author of the book, you retain all rights to the final product. Our relationship to you will be as advisors, editors, and ghostwriters, and will remain confidential for the duration of the project and after the book is complete. You will be the recognised owner and producer of your book, which we will prepare with you and on your behalf, without ever revealing our involvement in the process – we operate under full, legally-binding non-disclosure agreements.

We write all of our manuscripts in English first with very few exceptions, so your book will be composed within the rich, international context of the world’s most widely-spoken language, while still retaining the relevancy of its Vietnamese spirit. Our professional staff will work with you in your own language, develop the book in English, and have the final product professionally and authoritatively translated into Vietnamese, so that you’ll have both versions available to your readers. This will not only give you access to international markets for your book, it will also contribute to the prestige of your Vietnamese volume. Few local writers are translated and published in English, and there are very few Vietnamese books in translation available overseas – which can work in your favour, generating an instant interest in your work in foreign countries. Your level of involvement in the writing process in up to you. If you know you have some writing ability but just can’t quite crack the techniques required to write a book independently, our team can encourage you and work with you so that you maintain your own distinctive writing voice throughout the process. You can also choose to work verbally, introducing and dictating your ideas to our interview staff, leaving the sentences and structuring up to our writers. whatever way you choose, our guarantee is that the final product will be the best possible rendition of your work.